Warwick Police Athletic League (PAL) Babe Ruth 

2024 Fall Baseball Season


This league is available to 12 year-olds moving up to babe Ruth from little league as well as returning 13-16 year-olds from spring season.

(**Any player born between May 1, 2008 – August 31, 2012 will be eligible for Fall Ball)


Games will run from early Sept to Mid Oct

approximately 10 games then playoffs


$95 per player ($55 for sibling)

Any questions please contact the PAL office 401-737-1800 or wpd.pal@warwickri.com

Any player born prior to August 31, 2012 and on or after May 1, 2008 will be eligible for Babe Ruth 13-16 League competition.


Athletes and their families (parents, grandparents, guardians, siblings, etc.) who participate in any Warwick Police Athletic League programs shall maintain behavior that reflects positively and promotes good sportsmanship. All have the following responsibilities:

  • Abide by the rules established by Warwick PAL and all governing entities, including zero tolerance of inappropriate or disrespectful behavior towards all players, all coaches, all volunteers, and all officials. Promote team unity and support decisions made by the coaching staff, including playing time.

  • Be respectful especially on social media. Any negative posts and/or comments directed at a coach, player or parent will not be tolerated and the person subject to penalties that may include suspension from attending future games and practices. Promote team unity.

  • Respect that all team practices are for players and coaches only. Parents do not need to interject themselves or create a distraction.

  • No bullying!

  • Do not engage in physical altercations of any type.

  • To not be under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs (prescription, marijuana or illicit) which interferes with the proper care and attention necessary to supervise children.

We encourage players, coaches, officials, and spectators to respect each other and the game by creating a positive enthusiastic environment. Poor sportsmanship by athletes, parents, family members and spectators will not be tolerated. People who fail to comply with our Family Expectations will be subject to penalties that may include suspension from attending future games and practices. Those who engage in a physical altercation will be subject to an immediate suspension.


If an issue arises, parents must communicate with the head coach and/or board president of the sport privately and respectfully. We encourage parents to schedule a meeting the following day after the game/practice when the issue happened to allow the emotions to settle down.

If a conflict cannot be resolved between parents and the head coach and/or board president, an additional meeting will be arranged with the Football Commissioner and/or PAL Executive Director.







Baseball 2.jpg

Contact Information

Any questions regarding our baseball teams, please call the office at 401-737-1800 or email wpd.pal@warwickri.com

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